One Hour 1:1 Creative Mentoring Call
One Hour 1:1 Creative Mentoring Call
60 minutes audio call on your preferred platform (WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, etc.)
A one-off one on one mentorship with myself to allow your creative practice to flourish with insights and guidance I have accumulated during my 11 years of professional practice.
My ideal client would be an individual who is eager to get unstuck and keen to move forward with their creative endeavours. Someone who is interested in broadening their perspective about the way forward and the abundant possibilities along the way.
You may already have a chosen passion, and most importantly you are willing to explore with curiosity in a rich multi-faceted conversation how you can invite more autonomy, agency, and clarity to your creative pursuits.
This offer includes answering follow up questions 48 hours after the session via an instant messaging app.
If you would like to discuss the opportunity to work with me prior to booking, please get in touch with me directly.
I look forward to hearing from you.