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Autumn Cherry Leaf XXII


Autumn Cherry Leaf XXII

Sale Price:£175.00 Original Price:£350.00

“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”

Alberto Giacometti

Celebrating beauty in decay.

These leaves were collected and cast in bronze during a time I was learning about and contemplating what the Japanese call: wabi sabi. The art of imperfection.

My attention was drawn to these winter leaves and I gathered them from the brink of decomposition on the ground in November 2015. They were laying frozen on the ground in front of my house where I used to live in Wimbledon, Southwest London, and hold a special place in my heart.

This collection has travelled to various exhibitions over the years. They were first exhibited at our Open Studio at the Crucible Foundry in 2017, and last exhibited at the remarkable botanical group show ‘Plantea’. Lovingly placed alongside 400 other exquisite botanical artworks by the Society of Botanical Artists at the Mall Galleries, near Trafalgar Square, London in June 2019.


Each of these bronze leaves is an entirely unique life casting of nature made by Ashleaf, the small London-based art practice Hanna co-founded and was actively and collaboratively working in at the time these sculptures were created.

One side of the leaves preserve the delicate details of the leaf texture while the other side reveals brush marks that bear witness to the how they were captured as a sculpture in this material. Each finished with a makers mark stamped in the wax on the reverse. please note, each leaf is sold as seen. Some have imperfections as a result of the casting process. some have little leaf stems, while others don't. Please check photos of each individual leaf.

This listing is for one single cherry bronze leaf sculpture only. It is solid bronze, not gilded.

This piece has an exciting layered yellow-brown autumnal finishing patina over the leaf texture. If you enjoy the unusual and surprising, this one is for you.

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